Tuesday, April 28, 2009

phazers set to lazy

Been a little off for a couple days and now I think I may be a little sick. Not a good time for this to happen. Cleveland Marathon in 20 days and Potomac river swim in 33 days. Cut this morning swim way short and I think I’ll cut back to 17k for the week to allow for some rest. I am way ahead on the swim training so I can afford it. I’ve just been really tired and sore for the last few days. Now my sinus’ are keeping me stuffed up and my throat burns. Good thing I wasn’t in Mexico last week or I may be worried.

So here’s what I think is going on. On ash wed. I gave up beer, soda, and candy for lent. That was 40 days. I cut a lot of fat, I made awesome fitness gains and I felt really good. Then on Easter I drank a bakers dozen worth of high powered beer and ate candy all day. For the last 2 weeks I’ve been on the candy, cola, beer diet. I tried to keep at the same training level but, for some reason my body rejected it. Some reason? I think I know the root cause. A perfect example of you are what you eat. It has effected everything in my life. I’m snapping at the kids, I just have no patience with them, this in turn makes me feel guilty, which makes me feel more crabby. I am having trouble sleeping, stress dreams about everything from my kids safety to my wife leaving me because of Ironman. The same goes for work. Low motivation, then guilt, then low performance. All I’m concentrating on is the negative which takes away from family and training. See the cycle.
So what to do?

First off, I am getting out of here early today, getting a haircut, picking up some groceries, skipping my lunch run, and going home for a nap. Then I will chill with the kids, go to bed early and be real careful about what I use for fuel.

It kills me. I had a major breakthrough in heat management when I run and didn’t even have the sense to bask in the victory. One of those things that would have drove me for 2 weeks and I let it go. Not good.

I’m out, going to take my multi vit and get some good calories in.


Anonymous said...

I'm not going to leave you because of Ironman, stupid. I think you rock and your ability to do it all, successfully, amazes me every day. I love you!!

Christian or "Rod Berry" said...

That was a nice thing to say. Thanks.